EU Investigative Journalism Awards 2024: Meet the Winners

December 9, 2024
The EU Investigative Journalism Award 2024 has officially concluded, honoring the most impactful investigative work from the Western Balkans and Türkiye.

The winning stories this year highlight the critical role of investigative journalism in promoting freedom of expression and the rule of law, while supporting transparency and accountability. These awarded stories demonstrate the power of journalism to tackle key challenges, inspire change, and contribute to a more informed public.

We are excited to share the impactful stories that stood out this year:


1st Prize: Anesti Barjamemaj, Vladimir Karaj,, The Voice of America

“Krim mjedisor: Landfilli i Sharrës ‘i nxjerr ujin e zi’ lumit të Erzenit” (“Environmental crime: The Sharra landfill “extracts black water”’ from the Erzen river”)

2nd  Prize: Ola Xama,

“Projekti i inceneratorit të Tiranës u propozua nga Erion Veliaj, thotë SPAK” (“The Tirana incinerator project was proposed by Erion Veliaj, says SPAK”)

3rd Prize: Geri Emiri, Aida Ciro, Aleksandar Dimitrievski,

“Klubi Ekskluziv IPARD”: Kush po i “korr” fondet në Shqipëri dhe në Maqedoninë e Veriut?! (The “Exclusive IPARD Club”: Who “farms” the EU funds in Albania and North Macedonia?!)

Photo: BIRN


1st Prize: Nino Bilajac, Selma Učanbarlić,

“Unutar milionske prevare eMagnetixa i kako je “posao iz snova” postao noćna mora” (“Inside eMagnetix’s million-dollar scam and how the “dream job” turned into a nightmare”)

1St Prize: Arduana Pribinja, Al Jazeera Balkans

“Optužbe pacijentica za seksualno uznemiravanje u bolnici u Zenici” (“Accusations of female patients for sexual harassment in the hospital in Zenica”)

2nd  Prize: Dejan Rakita,

“TRGOVSKA GORA: Zašto i kako je izabrana, šta se tamo tačno gradi i kakve opasnosti nam donosi” (“TRGOVSKA GORA: Why and how it was chosen, what exactly is being built there and what dangers it brings us”)

3rd Prize: Azhar Kalamujić, Centar za istraživačko novinarstvo

“Nazovi Bega radi parking” (“Call Bey for parking”)

3rd Prize: Azra Omerović, Zinaida Đelilović, Žurnal,

“Internacionalni univerzitet u Goraždu: Dobila diplomu doktora stomatologije iako fakultet nije imao upisanih studenata” (“International University in Goražde: Received a doctor of dentistry degree even though the faculty had no enrolled students”)

Photo: BIRN


1st Prize: Behar Mustafa, Kreshnik Gashi,

“Dosja e Korrupsionit” (“Corruption file”)

2nd Prize: Alberta Hashani, Betimi për Drejtësi/KTV

“Prokurori Biraj dyshohet se mori ryshfet për të dështuar akuzën për 130 kg drogë” (“Prosecutor Biraj allegedly took bribes to fail the charge for 130 kg of drugs”)

3rd Prize: Dafina Halili, Kosovo 2.0

“Ngacmimi seksual kalon pa u ndëshkuar në Universitetin e Prishtinës” (“Sexual harassment goes unpunished at the University of Prishtina”)

3rd Prize: Dardan Hoti, Aulonë Kadriu, Kosovo 2.0,

“Nëse dalin videot, unë kam m’i hupë krejt” (“If the videos are posted, I will lose everything”)

Photo: BIRN


1St Prize: Tatjana Ašanin, Nikola Milosavić Aleksić, Televizija Vijesti

“U mutnim vodama” (Podgorički vodovod i kanalizacija) (“In murky waters” (Podgorica water supply and sewage system))

1st Prize: Svetlana Đokić, Milica Babić, TV E

“Masakr odgovornosti” (“Massacre of responsibilities”)

2nd Prize: Đurđa Radulović, Balkan Insight

“Niko ne provjerava“: Kupovina zabranjenih pesticida u Crnoj Gori” (“No one checks”: Purchase of prohibited pesticides in Montenegro”)

3rd Prize: Andrea Perišić, Centar za istraživačko novinarstvo Crne Gore

“KRIJUMČARENJE CRNOGORSKOG ARHEOLOŠKOG BLAGA: Raznose, prodaju i uništavaju baštinu bez kazne” (“SMUGGLING OF MONTENEGRO ARCHAEOLOGICAL TREASURES: They blow up, sell and destroy heritage without punishment”)

Photo: Thomson Media


1st Prize: Irena Mulachka, Fokus

“Скандал Oнкологија” (“Scandal Oncology”)

2nd Prize: Miomir Serafinovikj, Snezhana Lupevska Sozen, TV Telma, KOD

“КОД: Семејно стебло Зајас, Соравиа, струја, дипломатија” (“KOD: Zajas family tree, Soravia, electricity, diplomacy”)

3rd Prize: Aleksandar Metodijev, Suzana Miceva,

“Кревките шуми” (“The fragile forests”)

Photo: SSNM


1st Prize: Ivana Milosavljević, Teodora Ćurčić, Vladimir Kostić. CINS

“CINS u kol centru SNS-a: Agencija za hostese, kupovina glasova i milioni u kešu” (“CINS in the SNS call center: Agency for hostesses, buying votes and the millions in cash”)

2nd Prize: Gordana Andrić, Aleksandar Đorđević, BIRN

“Lažirane isplate, fiktivna predavanja: Kako su milioni evra za ugrožene završili u tuđim džepovima” (“Fake payments, fake lectures: How millions of euros for the vulnerable ended up in someone else’s pockets”)

3rd Prize:  Radmilo Marković, BIRN

“Beograd – raj za divlju gradnju i sumnjiva ozakonjenja: BIRN našao skoro pola miliona spornih kvadrata” (“Belgrade – a paradise for wild and suspicious construction legislation: BIRN found almost half a million square meters of suspicious square meters”)

3rd Prize: Anđela Milivojević, BIRN

„Bila sam nemoćna“: Ispovesti žena i devojaka širom Srbije o užasnim posledicama osvetničke pornografije (“I was powerless”: Confessions of women and girls throughout Serbia about the terrible consequences of revenge pornography)

Photo: BIRN


1st Prize: Asuman Aranca Kol, T24

“Sinan Ateş Cinayeti Dosyasındaki Bilirkişi Raporuna T24 Ulaştı: Ateş’in adresini Ülkü Ocakları Başkanı istemiş” (“T24 Accessed the Expert Report in the Sinan Ateş Murder Case: Ateş’s address was requested by the President of the Grey Wolves”)

2nd Prize: Murat Ağırel, Cumhuriyet

“Kızılay, deprem telaşında AHBAP’a çadır sattı” (“The Turkish Red Crescent sold tents to AHBAP during earthquake panic”)

3rd Prize: Hale Gönültaş, Thalys Augusto de Alcantara Anjos,,

“Süleymancılar Brezilya’daki Amazon Ormanlarından Türkiye’ye Çocuk Getirdi” (“Süleymancılar brought children from Brazil’s Amazon Forests to Türkiye”)

Special recognition was awarded to Tunca Öğreten and Murat Baykara for their impactful, ethical coverage of Türkiye’s drug crisis, shedding light on a hidden yet critical public issue.

Photo: BIRN

In addition to the National EU Awards, a ceremony was also held for the Regional EU Awards for the Western Balkans countries and Türkiye.


1st Prize: Ksenija Pavkov, N1

“Ispod površine: U mreži” (“Under the surface: In the net”)

2nd Prize: Saša Dragojlo, Balkan Insight

“Albanska veza: Kalašnjikovi raspiruju rat krijumčarskih bandi na severu Srbije” (“ Albanian-Supplied AKs Fuel Violence on Refugee Route through Serbia”)

3rd Prize: Vanja Stokić, Ajdin Kamber,

“Nezaključeni gubitak, Dokumentarni film Brat” (“Ambiguous loss, Documentary film Brother”)

Photo: Thomson Media

More info can be found here.